Oulu University Scholarship Foundation call for grants 2024

The 2024 call for applying grants from the Oulu University Scholarship Foundation is open during 18 March – 7 April 2024. The applicant completes the grant application form in the electronic grant  system  https://oulunyliopistontukisaatio.apurahat.net/login.aspx?lcid=1033

The Oulu University Scholarship Foundation supports mainly full-time work on a doctoral thesis within four years. However, part-time work on a doctoral thesis is also supported. The Foundation will only allocate personal grants for doctoral thesis research. Only travel or other expenses are not funded. Grants are typically from 3 000 to 5 000 euros.

The prerequisite for applying for grants is a Doctoral Training Plan (3 credits) and a study right approved by the University of Oulu Graduate School (UniOGS).

The first grant may be allocated for a fast start after one year from starting the research, and another after approximately one year before completing the doctoral thesis. The Executive Committee of the Foundation will consult the University of Oulu Graduate School (UniOGS) and the faculties when reviewing the applications.

Only applications that have been delivered in accordance with the instructions, together with the attachments will be taken into consideration.  

The grant recipient may not be employed by the university during the grant period.

More detailed instructions can be found at https://oulunyliopistontukisaatio.fi/en/

Required attachments for the application:

  • Transcript of records from UOulu from UOulu system (Peppi) showing the approved the Doctroral Training Plan (3 credits). Please find instructions for printing at: https://wiki.eduuni.fi/display/UOOpiskelijanPeppi/Opintosuoritukset
  • One page summary of the research plan
  • CV and list of publications including publications intended to be included in the thesis

Supervisor´s statements:

  • The applicant requests a statement from the work supervisor in an electronic format through the grant system

Pekka Riuttanen
Foundation Agent