The Foundation has a total of 25 signature funds
Each fund has its own rules, which determine the purpose for which grants are awarded.
Fund of Anna-Liisa Antila-Kaljunen and Aatto Kaljunen
Personal grants for students at the University of Oulu Faculty of Education’s programme for Primary Teacher Education, especially Music Education.
Fund of Antti Palva and Martti Sorri
Grants for research in the field of ear, nose and throat diseases performed at the University of Oulu.
Gynecological research fund
Grants for research in the field of gynecological and obstetric research performed at the University of Oulu.
Fund of Helvi Hakulinen-Sipilä and Eino Sipilä
Grants for mature scientists in the field of English philology and medicine.
Fund of Hilkka Jaakkola
Grants for brain research, as specified by the University of Oulu Scholarship Foundation.
Fund of the foundation of Inari and Reijo Holopainen
The Fund’s purpose is to support and promote the construction industry, technical, techno-economic research and research on the proper use of natural resources as well as medical and nursing research, particularly cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancerous and other tumors, as well as the search for treatments in other serious diseases.
Fund of Kosti Marjamaa
Grants for medical research concerning
- heart disease
- cancer
- eye diseases
- mental illness
- pediatrics
Fund of Lauri Lajunen
Grants related to post-graduate studies in the field of chemistry at the University of Oulu.
Fund of Markku Mannerkoski
Personal grants for post-graduate science students.
Nokia fund
Grants for Master’s thesis or post-graduate work in the field of electronics and electrical engineering.
Fund of Faculty for Contemporary Architecture
Grants for meritorious work in the department of Contemporary Architecture at the University of Oulu.
Fund of Oulu Chamber of Commerce
Personal grants for economic research at the University of Oulu.
Oulu Heartwomen’s fund
Grants for research in the field of cardiovascular disease.
Fund of University of Oulu Alumni Association
The purpose is to contribute to research work carried out at the University of Oulu.
Fund of P.K. Juntunen
Grants for students at the Faculty of Technology who have demonstrated particular interest towards questions related to the economy of construction, especially related to the conditions in northern Finland.
Fund of P.P. Halonen
Grants for construction engineering and architecture students, who have shown a particular interest in issues related to the economy of construction.
Research Foundation of Northern Finland
Personal grants for scientific research related to Northern Finland.
Building technology/Fund of Erkki and Jouni Koiso-Kanttila
Grants for meritorious studies at the department of architecture related to building technology.
Finnish Technical Society Fund
Grants for projects furthering the professional development and internationalization of Masters of Science and Architecture as well as research and development work promoting the industry.
Science Fund
Personal grants for post-graduate studies. The Science Fund awards to do dissertations. The applications by young post-graduate students and projects related to internationalization are considered especially when awarding grants.
Fund of Ulla-Maija Mäkilä
Grants for research in the field of gynecology related to young people.
Fund of W.J. Kaipainen
Grants for medical research mainly related to internal medicine at the University of Oulu.
Vilkevuo fund
Grants primarily for pharmacy students, secondarily for medical faculty students.
Fund of Ville Rajakaltio
Grants for research work performed in Northern Finland aiming to develop and diversify the industry of Northern Finland.
Urban and Regional Fund
Grants for student and research work performed at the Urban Planning laboratory in the Department of Architecture at University of Oulu.